Is storing cord blood pricey?

It has been realised in recent years that how precious it is to store the cord blood or the cord tissue. In the older data, this was not known to the people and even the medical sciences were not aware of such things. Therefore, it was not practical in the usages. The blood that is left over the placenta or the umbilical cord at the time of the birth of the baby is very important and therefore it should be stored. It is important because it can cure many kinds of diseases like immune deficiencies, blood disorders, metabolic diseases, and even cancers at times. However, this new technique can be somewhat costly, but that too depends upon its storage.




Process of storing cord cells

With the advent of medical science the cord cells which keep a very important space for the re-existence and survival of the medical patients who suffer from the critical disease. These cells are stored in three ways. Those three ways are given below-:

  • Public cord blood banks

This is the kind of cord bank solution which collects and store blood units for that patient who needs them for their medical treatment. These are preferably not donors.

  • Private cord blood banks

This is the kind of blood bank that charges money in against storing the stem cells. These stored stem cells, which are quite beneficial for those who need them enormously for medical reasons. These charges are quite hefty. These institutions also keep the stem cells for further usage of them is researches and medication.

  • Biobanks

These institutions also keep the stem cells for further usage of them in researches and medication.

Why the storage of cord cells needs a hefty sum of money?

The storage of cord cells requires a hefty sum of money. This is a critical process for those cord blood banking services. The type of storage defines the sum of money required. The private cord banks charge more while the public cord banks charge minimally. It also depends upon the time for which you are keeping those cells. It becomes more pricey when you opt for keeping it for maximum days.

So it can be said that despite the high prices of the storage of the stem cells it should be stored for a better future.

Umbilical Cord Blood – A Boon for a Child’s Life


Parents are always concerned about the health of their children. This is why they never fail to take the toughest route to get things right for their children. There is a world of diseases that are affecting the lives of people irrespective of their age. Some of these diseases are also regarded as the life-taking ones and no proper treatment procedure has yet been discovered for them.




If parents choose to bank the Umbilical cord blood of their child then they can create a great amount of possibility for curing serious diseases of their child. The blood found within the umbilical cord can prove to be a great boon for the child you shall learn about it in detail below.

Meaning of the term ‘umbilical cord blood’

The umbilical cord is a very common term in the medical world and pregnant ladies are extremely acquainted with this term. It is the connecting conduit between the placenta and the embryo that is clearly visible when the child is removed from the womb. This cord acts as a connection between the mother and the child in the womb and passes all the essential nutrients from the former to the latter.

When the child is delivered by the mother then this umbilical cord stays attached to the body of the child which the doctors remove later. There is some decent amount of blood present in this cord that is known as umbilical cord blood. Doctors advise parents to store this cord blood which is medically termed as Cord blood banking.

Treatments using cord blood

The cord blood contains stem cells in abundance that is capable of curing a large number of diseases. The diseases that can be cured with the help of stem cells are life-threatening and proper medicine to them is yet not available. Transplantations also get facilitated with the help of stem cells and they are more favorable than bone marrow.

Cells For Life offers the best Cord blood banking Canada ever had. The organization provides unparallel services and has got experience of 20 years. Therefore you can surely trust the experts here for restoring your child’s cord blood.

Learn The Advantages Of Preserving The Cord Tissue


If you are soon to give birth to a baby then there are some very important things that you should do. One of the most important things has to be preserving the Cord tissue of your child. This will be one of the greatest moves from your side that will help you in abundance in the future. If you are still not aware of the advantages of preserving the cord tissue then read this article nicely. All your queries are nicely addressed here.



What is meant by cord tissue?

The tissues present in the umbilical cord connecting the baby and the mother are termed as Cord tissueThese tissues contain a huge amount of stem cells that are also called Mesenchymal stem cells. Do not confuse these stem cells with those found in cord blood.

The Mesenchymal stem cells Divide into daughter cells very fast and can regenerate themselves. They also grow in different types of cells and can help in various treatment procedures. There is a lot of research going on with the cord tissue for treating diseases related to cartilage, nerve cells, and muscles.

Benefits of banking cord tissue

Diseases related to the body muscles and bones are often irreparable and have to be carried out all the life. But with Cord tissue they can be treated and cured to a great extent. Cord tissues can secrete growth hormones that help in the repairing process of tissues. They have successfully helped in treating diseases in the nervous system, circulatory system, sensory organs, bones, cartilage, etc.

Cord tissue consists of stem cells that always have the ability to give birth to new cells. These cells can form different types of cells but the process slows down as a person gets older. Cord tissue holds more stem cells than any other source. They are highly active and have a huge amount of potential when it comes to producing new cells.

Cells For Life is Canada’s top-class cord blood and cord tissue bank. They are preserving Cord tissue for a very long time and the experts there take a great amount of care in conducting the extraction procedure.

Cord blood banking Toronto


The blood banks are very common and have been in existence since a long time now. The cord blood banking on the other hand is a recent development and it has really changed the landscape for the potential future treatments and transplants. There are multiple cord blood banks in Toronto that provide options for the potential expectant parents who want to participate in the Cord blood banking Toronto. The cells for life is one such medical center that provides excellent service when it comes to cord blood banking and it has got competent as well as highly professional staff on its  roster to take care of the whole procedure.



Taking a deeper look at cord blood banking

The cord blood banking procedure is simple. When a child is born, some of the cord blood from the umbilical cord is left behind. The doctors and trained professionals gather the stem cells from the cord blood and store it in a safe environment. These stem cells then can be used for any future treatments of life-threatening diseases as well as transplants. For this whole procedure you need to pay specific amount of money based on the policy of the medical center.

When it comes to the process of cord blood collection it is very simple and straightforward. It takes at best 5 minutes for the collection of cord blood and it is a safe process with no apparent health risk for either the mother or the baby. The cord blood that is collected is available for use almost immediately and it doesn’t any complex form of processing for it to be usable.

The cord blood cells  don’t need the exact match between the recipient and the donor. These cells can be used in autologous transplants as well as allogeneic transplants. For more information check out the official website of cells for life.

The gift of life- Cord blood banking

What is cord blood banking?

As a result of the successful cord blood stem cells transplants which were done very successfully throughout the world, Cord blood banking Markham has become a prevalent phenomenon these days. Stem cells from the building blocks of your immune system. Hence, they have the innate ability to reproduce healthier versions of other cell types as well as their own class. Some parents believe in donating cord blood which has led to a considerable increase in the number of cord blood banks across the world. Basically, it is the storage of the cord blood cells which is called cord blood banking.



streaming blood cells

What is the use of cord blood?

Unforeseen circumstances in the form of life-threatening diseases in your child’s life can be dealt with correctly with the help of Cord blood banking Markham. These deadly diseases can be treated effectively using the cells retrieved from the cord blood of your baby during delivery. These days, there are many ways in which you can save and store the precious cord blood of your newborn baby. A few decades back, cord blood was considered as a waste product and was discarded immediately after surgery. But nowadays, it has become a valuable source of stem cells. Stem cells can combat various life-threatening diseases like leukemia, different types of cancers, lymphomas, and anemias to name a few from the vast list.

Types of cord blood banks

When you store cord blood in a private bank, it is called private cord blood banking, and when you donate it to a public bank, it is called a public cord blood banking. In the former one, the cord blood is saved in a public database, and anyone from the general public can utilize it. The only thing is that there is no guarantee that any will be left for the usage of the donor. In the latter one, the cord blood is stored exclusively for the donor family on paying a certain amount of fees. 

To make sure you go about the process of Cord blood banking Markham in the best possible way, it is recommended that you get professional help to guide you through the process.

Cord Blood: The Future Of Medical Treatment

Wondering what exactly cord blood is or how you can make effective use of it? Trying to understand the benefits of preserving cord blood? Umbilical cord blood, is indeed a great evolution in the field of medicine which will help you achieve stability and security in the years to come.


Treatment Of Diseases

The stem cells generated from the cord blood is actually used in the treatment of a number of deadly diseases. The following are some diseases that can be treated with the help of the cord blood:

  • Bone marrow cancer like lymphoma and leukaemia.
  • Some genetically inherited diseases which are deadly and almost irreversible in nature like sickle cell anemia, Krabbe’s diseases, thalassemia, aplastic anemia and Hurler’s syndrome. All these diseases are deadly in nature and by no means can be treated easily, neither can they be eradicated. Once acquired, the life of the patient becomes almost impossible and it becomes extremely urgent to start treatment using stem cells that may have been stored by you through cord blood banking.


Finding A Match

Cord blood Toronto is of great need because of its medical advantages. While matching donors to recipients of cord blood cells, the strategy used is HLA or Human Leukocyte Antigen are protein markers that can be used to determine which cell belongs to which individuals. When two individuals have more or less the same HLA they are termed as potential “matches”. The reason why matching is so important is that, if the cells introduced in the patient’s body are not compatible with the patient’s own body, then the stem cells will be attacked by the patient’s body which is termed as Graft vs Host Disease. This is why stem cells need an exact match, or the transplant os doomed to fail.

Cord blood banking and preservation is one very important step in securing your future!